A smart card is an embedded integrated circuit chip and a card with a microprocessor, storage unit, and a chip operating system. It is also called CPU card. It has good data storage, order processing, and data security protection function, main application fields: mobile communications, financial payment, utilities, etc., the main smart card categories: DianXinKa, financial IC card, ID card, etc.
China's smart card industry has developed rapidly, and the driving of communication smart CARDS and financial IC CARDS has become the main factor of domestic market growth. According to the national gold card IC card application group and China information industry chamber of commerce of scale above the smart card branch of member units, China DianXinKa secondary 300 million copies in 2014, an increase of 33%, the financial IC card issuance of 260 million, an increase of 76%.
China's smart card sales volume in 2010-2014.
Letter smart card
China's mobile phone users have exceeded 1.3 billion, with 4G users accounting for more than a quarter, and 2G and 3G users are steadily switching to 4G users. With the upgrading of the communication network and the increasing number of mobile phone users, the communication smart card market has great potential for growth.
The number of mobile phones in China from 2002 to 2015.
Financial IC card
In 2015, the number of card issuance in China continued to increase, and the acceptance environment was continuously improved, and the volume of transactions increased steadily. By the end of the third quarter of 2015, the number of CARDS in the country was 52.52 billion, an increase of 10.66 percent. Among them, debit CARDS were used in 48.03 billion CARDS, up 11.42% year on year. The number of CARDS and loans in one card is 449 million, and the country has 3.85 CARDS. Because financial IC card is better than magnetic stripe card in information security, security, and storage, it is an inevitable trend of bank card development to meet EMV and PBOC standard financial IC card. According to unionpay data, as of the end of the third quarter of 2015, 1.883 billion CARDS had been issued in China's financial IC CARDS, up 13.98 percent from the previous quarter, accounting for 34.62 percent of Banks' issuance, and more than 200 million CARDS in three consecutive quarters.
The integration of innovative payment mode and financial IC card will further promote the issuance of financial IC CARDS. Innovating the mode of payment, such as alipay, purse, WeChat payments, Apple Pay is based on a solid financial IC card, such as application development, provides users with convenient, fast and simple way of micropayment, as the model of promotion, will greatly promote financial IC card requirements.
Related report: the analysis report on the operation situation and development prospect of China's smart card market in 2016-2022 released by China industry information network